SCOR Designer

蠍座 大阪在住


Since I was a kid, I had a large rough crystal in my house. I don’t know why it happened, but I liked the shape of the crystal pillars and the boundary between the crystals and the rough stones, so I often looked at them. From the time I started living in Osaka, I started buying stones myself. I have also worked as a sales staff at three stone dealers. For the stones used for accessories, we have selected “stones with strong individuality”. This is because I am strongly attracted to the fact that there is no other place. When you encounter a unique and beautiful stone, the image of the design may be decided at that moment.



I started by myself in 2018. I always wanted to do what I wanted to do, because I wanted to start as soon as I found what I wanted to do, and I wanted to start what I wanted to make from the beginning. When I was just starting to make it, my friend who left me a lot of stones saying “I have unused stones, so if you like, you can practice”, “I want to give it to a loved one” and leave me a rare stone. With the help of my friends, friends who said “I have your wire style”, and many friends, I have today’s work and me.

SCOR [ スコー ]の由来


Named after the birth constellation Scorpio. I’m interested in stars and the universe, so I wanted to give it a name related to stars, so I thought it would be nice if the sound was transparent, and by pronouncing “COR” as “ko”, the specific language would disappear. is.



It was in 2020 that we started making accessories with a “design that resembles a stone as a star.” I wanted to be able to say, “This work has this kind of intention.” A stone is a star in the true sense of the word, and I thought it would be a good idea to “make a stone a star” even if there is no other thing that is the same. The “Aureola” series is inspired by the light decoration of the church, which I saw in the photo book of Baroque buildings. I would like to broaden the expression of “stars and light” using stones and wires while balancing abstraction and concreteness.


作品を作りながら、石とヒトとを重ねて見ているときがあります。個性的な色や模様をした石のように、ヒトにも個性があります。石の個性は見てわかることが多いですが、ヒトの個性は見ただけではわからないことの方がずっと多い。偏見や決めつけも多くて、その人自身や他者が、ヒトの個性を否定的に言う声をよく見聞きします。 大勢のすてきな人たちが、個性の否定に抵抗するためにエネルギーを浪費していることを知り、わたしは作品で「個性を肯定する」意思表現をすることにしました。一人ひとりがちがっていて、オリジナルなあなたの個性は、夜空に煌めく星のようだと。わたしの作るアクセサリーが、人が個性を輝かせて毎日をおくる助力となることを願っています。

While making a work, I sometimes see stones and humans on top of each other. Like stones with unique colors and patterns, humans also have their own personality. The individuality of stones is often understood by looking at them, but it is much more difficult to understand the individuality of humans just by looking at them. There are many prejudices and prejudices, and we often see and hear the voices of the person and others who negatively say the individuality of a person. Knowing that many nice people are wasting energy to resist the denial of personality, I decided to express my intention to “affirm personality” in my work. Each person is different, and your original personality is like a glittering star in the night sky. I hope that the accessories I make will help people to shine their individuality and spend their days.